What to Wear to a Colonoscopy {+ 29 More Colonoscopy Tips, Tricks, and Information; Episode 69, Bites #17}

Episode #69

Episode Notes



  1. Full article to accompany the episode: What to Wear to a Colonoscopy  {+ 29 More Colonoscopy Tips, Tricks, and Information; Episode 69, Bites #17}
  2. Gut Healing for Beginners {{A Gutsy Girl's signature program that is a step-by-step guide for beginning to understand your gut in 30 days or less (+ TAKING ACTION)}}
  3. A Gutsy Girl's FREE 3-Day Detox Plan: The First Three
  4. The Gutsy Bundle
  5. Healing Blooms from Within (90-day gut healing journal)
  6. A Gutsy Girl’s Bible
  7. A Gutsy Girl supplement line, guthealingsupplements.com

Don’t Miss These Thoughts

  1. Confusion does not have to be part of your story.
  2. What exactly is a colonoscopy and endoscopy?
  3. Q&A on the two procedures
  4. 5 tips, tricks, and information surrounding a Colonoscopy
  5. Why these are life-saving procedures


100% gut health and gut healing podcast for women who have (or suspect they have) IBS and/or IBD. 

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Host: Sarah Kay Hoffman, A Gutsy Girl

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