Best Immune Boosting Herbs {+ Gut-Immune Connection with Dr. Taz, Episode 74}

Episode #74

Episode Notes



  1. Dr. Taz on Instagram
  2. Her website
  3. What is butyrate?
  4. Sleep and Gut Healing
  5. Why stress might be your worst enemy
  6. The #1 gut healing journal

Don’t Miss These Thoughts

  1. Breaking down how the gut is connected to the immune system.
  2. What are signs of good immune health and gut health? And are there certain tests you can do to find out the status of both, simultaneously?
  3. Are there common things in Dr. Taz's practice that she thinks are negatively affecting both immune and gut health? What are they?
  4. What are the best ways to improve both gut and immune health?
  5. Astragalus and other  immune-boosting herbs for overall immunity.
  6. Other food, supplements, lifestyle that Dr. Taz likes using for all things gut-immune boosting?


100% gut health and gut healing podcast for women who have (or suspect they have) IBS and/or IBD. 

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Host: Sarah Kay Hoffman, A Gutsy Girl

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