Microbiome Diet Food List (Episode 84 with AndytheRD)

Episode #84

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Episode Notes



  1. Follow Andy on Instagram
  2. Learn more about what Andy has to offer on his website HERE
  3. Get More Omega HERE for those glorious Omega 3 fatty acids we chat about on the show (code AGUTSYGIRL at checkout will save you 15%)
  4. Track the status of your OWN gut microbiome with Viome {Use code AGUTSYGIRL at checkout to save $110 off your own testing kit OR get $30 off your first month on one of their monthly health plans.}
  5. Soluble vs Insoluble Fiber
  6. Fermented Essentials {What to Know + Items Needed}
  7. Top 15 Low-FODMAP High-Fiber Foods
  8. A Gutsy Girl’s journal

Don’t Miss These Thoughts

  1. Who is Andy Desantis?
  2. We talk about the gut microbiome all the time, but what is it and why is it so important for overall health?
  3. Both food and lifestyle factors contribute to our microbiome status (a healthy gut microbiome or imbalanced microbiome).What does Andy think are 5 top foods for gut microbiota? And why?
  4. Andy recently did a post on Instagram surrounding dietary fiber vs fermented foods. What is the difference between them?
  5. What is Andy’s opinion about plant foods and high-quality animal-based foods like grass-fed meat (red meat in general) as they relate to overall intestinal health?
  6. Are there any foods that Andy considers to be the worst foods for gut health?
  7. If a client comes to Andy with irritable bowel syndrome and/or inflammatory bowel disease, is there a specific approach you like to take from a diet standpoint in helping manage symptoms in the short term? How about the long term?
  8. What are a few lifestyle factors one could remove, add, or change to see increased health benefits of for the digestive system?
  9. Andy’s advice for lifestyle factors to help with regular bowel movements?


100% gut health and gut healing podcast for women who have (or suspect they have) IBS and/or IBD. 

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Host: Sarah Kay Hoffman, A Gutsy Girl

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